Site properties
Summary of the identification of the company SERP, owner of the site
Company name : SERP
Legal status and share capital: SARL with a capital of €117,000
Head office address : SARL SERP Z.I. de Marches, 82100 CASTELSARRASIN
Siret number : 345 399 737
APE/NAF code : 2042 Z
Intra-Community VAT number : FR 21 345 399 737
Phone number : +33 (0)5 63 32 59 60
Website address :
Email address :
The site is hosted by OVH, 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.
Conception, Design and Development
The design and development of the site was carried out by Wasabi Artwork - Digital graphic studio.
Rights and duties of the user
The user of this site acknowledges that he/she has the necessary skills and means to access and use this site and that he/she has checked that the computer configuration used does not contain any viruses and that it is in perfect working order.
The user is informed that during his visits to the site a cookie may be automatically installed on his browser. A cookie is a block of data that does not allow the user to be identified but which is used to record information relating to the user's navigation on the site.
The website is optimised for the following resolution: 1366 pixels. It is also optimized for the following browsers: Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Edge, and Opera.
The settings of your browser software allow you to be informed of the presence of a cookie and in particular to refuse it, in the following way - if you are browsing the Internet with the "Internet Explorer 7 (Microsoft)" browser: click on the menu bar on "Tools", then on "Internet Options", then on "Confidentiality", then on "Advanced", then tick the box "Ignore automatic cookie management" and choose the options proposed.
Use of site data
Users of this site are required to respect the provisions of the law relating to information technology, files and freedoms, the violation of which is punishable by criminal penalties. In particular, they must refrain, with regard to the personal information they access, from any collection, any misuse, and in general, from any act likely to infringe the privacy or reputation of individuals.
The general structure, as well as the software, texts, images (animated or not), know-how, and all other elements composing the site are the exclusive property of SERP.
Any total or partial representation of this site by any means whatsoever without the express authorisation of SERP is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code. The same applies to the databases on the website, which are protected by the provisions of the law of 1 July 1998 transposing the European directive of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases into the Intellectual Property Code, and of which SERP is the producer.
The trademarks of SERP as well as the logos appearing on the site are registered trademarks or are the property of its partners.
Any total or partial reproduction of these trademarks or logos, made from the elements of the site without the express authorisation of SERP is therefore prohibited, within the meaning of article L.713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.
Disclaimer of liability
SERP is not responsible for the content (texts, images, ...) written or inserted on the sites whose links are presented on the site